Sunday, July 29, 2012

After the first day of competition, here are the standings for Our Olympics 2012:

Gold - South Korea (Tina Torres) - 85 pts

Silver - Italy (Pam Keller) - 55 pts

Bronze - Three Way Tie  - 30 pts

Brazil (Hannah Martin) - 30 pts

Canada (Derek Gutierrez) - 30 pts

Czech Republic (Emilie Torres) - 30 pts

Occasionally, I will give the rest of the teams and their ranking order. As of today the order is the above five teams and....

- Japan (Kathy Smith) - 25 pts
- Germany (Simona Hareer) - 15 pts
- Kazakhstan (Lisa Blair) - 15 pts
- Spain (Dakota Decker) - 15 pts
- Bulgaria (Dave Martin) - 10 pts
- Netherlands (Adrian Garcia) - 10 pts
- Poland (Marshall Cress) - 10 pts
- Romania (Elyse Jarvis) - 10 pts
- Hungary (Allison Montanille) - 5 pts
- Kenya (Dan Perez) - 5 pts
- New Zealand (Amanda Winningham) - 5 pts
- Norway (Kevin Rafferty) - 5 pts
- Uzbekistan (Sue Martin) - 5 pts

The rest of the teams have not scored any points to date.

Congratulations to all on the board!

And as Always,
May the Odds be ever in your Favor!


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