Friday, August 10, 2012

After the Thirteenth day of competition here are the standings for Our Olympics 2012:

Gold Medal: South Korea (Tina Torres) - 490

Silver Medal: Germany (Simona Hareer) - 440

Bronze Medal: Japan (Kathy Smith) - 375

France Lori Cress 340
Italy Pam Keller 285
Hungary Allison Montanille 265
Romania Elyse Jarvis 195
Canada Derek Gutierrez 190
Kenya Dan Perez 190
Denmark Erin Cress 190
Czech Rep. Emilie Torres 185
Netherlands Adrian Garcia 180
Spain Dakota Decker 175
Jamaica Zach Martin 165
Kazakhstan Lisa Blair 165
Ukraine Krystyn Slack 150
New Zealand Amanda Winningham 150
Azerbaijan Brian Hughes 145
Ethiopia Gary Keller 145
Cuba Amy Brennan 145
Belarus Carrie Stockton 135
Turkey Brittany Cress 135
Croatia Steve Keller 135
Brazil Hannah Martin 120
Georgia Graydon Cress 115
Poland Marshall Cress 115
Bulgaria Dave Martin 105
Sweden Fletcher Martin 100
Switzerland Jessica Marshall 95
Norway Kevin Rafferty 90
Armenia Brian Cress 80
Argentina Alix Boyd 70
Slovakia Danielle Gibbs 70
India Sean McDonald 55
Uzbekistan Sue Martin 35

Middle of the Road: Ethiopia (Gary Keller) - 145 pts

Coal Medal: Uzbekistan (Sue Martin) - 35 pts

Congratulations to everyone on the podium!

And as Always,
May the Odds be ever in your Favor!


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