Thursday, August 9, 2012

Everyone loves an underdog story and our competition is no different. In the spirit of the Olympic Games, today, we are going to root for the underdogs. Every country will be paired according to rank with another team and those two countries will play together for today. Any bonus points, medal points or random drawing points will go to both teams today. The highest rank team will be with the lowest rank team and that will continue to the center. The very middle team which is Kenya will play on their own and double their points.

So here are your teams:
1. South Korea (Tina Torres) and Uzebekistan (Sue Martin)
2. Germany (Simona Hareer) and Bulgaria (Dave Martin)
3. Japan (Kathy Smith) and Argentina (Alix Boyd)
4. France (Lori Cress) and India (Sean McDonald)
5. Italy (Pam Keller) and Slovakia (Danielle Gibbs)
6. Hungary (Allison Montanille) and Georgia (Graydon Cress)
7. Canada (Derek Gutierrez) and Armenia (Brian Cress)
8. Romania (Elyse Jarvis) and Norway (Kevin Rafferty)
9. Netherlands (Adrian Garica) and Sweden (Fletcher Martin)
10. Kazakhstan (Lisa Blair) and Switzerland (Jessica Marshall)
11. Czech Republic (Emilie Torres) and Turkey (Brittany Cress)
12. Denmark (Erin Cress) and Croatia (Steve Keller)
13. New Zealand (Amanda Winningham) and Poland (Marshall Cress)
14. Spain (Dakota Decker) and Cuba (Amy Brennan)
15. Ethiopia (Gary Keller) and Brazil (Hannah Martin)
16. Jamaica (Zach Martin) and Azerbaijan (Brian Hughes)
17. Ukraine (Krystyn Slack) and Belarus (Carrie Stockton)
18. Kenya (Dan Perez)

Also, bonus points will be awarded to the Gold, Silver and Bronze teams. However, the gold will be awarded to the team with the least amount of points all the way to Bronze.

Root for both countries on your team and of course the USA.

And as Always,
May the Odds be ever in your Favor!


At August 9, 2012 at 8:57 AM , Blogger Allie said...

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At August 9, 2012 at 8:58 AM , Blogger Allie said...

Graydon is my homie!


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